Honorary President & Chairman Bill Wardlaw
Vice President: Steve Smart
Secretary/Treasurer David Farmer
Ticket Secretary: Harald Gavin
Dear members
Happy new year to you all the Eden fishing season is now open. As our membership remained stable in 2021 with 171 adults 69 seniors 54 juniors Membership ticket prices remain unchanged this season keeping salmon, sea Trout and Brown fishing available and affordable. It was no surprise that visitor Day tickets were down last year due to Covid restrictions and fewer visitors to the area, but we managed to pay the 2022 rents and cover club expenses.
Rod catch returns for the 2021 season were encouraging, albeit at the 11th hour (more on that later) as even with Salmon rod days down, 38 Salmon & grilse were caught and returned under CAT3 mandatory catch & release, up from 24 the previous season. It certainly looks like catch & release is beginning to show results. Some larger than normal multi winter salmon & sea Trout were also recorded which all bodes well for the future The Stan Reed Trophy for the seasons largest fish went to David McRobbie for his silver15 lb hen July salmon. 328 sea trout were also recorded. The largest being 4 ½ pounds.
COVID, river levels, weather conditions and climate change in the catchment area all influence the catch return as they are influenced by agriculture, water abstraction. The 2021 season water levels were at yet another low, holding back the main run of salmon & sea trout to the lower sections where in Summer warmer water temperatures made it hard to tempt them until the last weeks of the season when the rains finally came.
Committee and member volunteers have worked hard to improve the river and its habitat undertaking litter picks, stile maintenance and tree removal projects all as COVID restrictions allowed with input from SEPA and Nature Scotland. SEPA are now in the final stages of removing the Gateside Mill weir as a barrier to fish migration to the headwater burns. A second attempt to re-establish the Ranuculous water crowfoot weed, essential habitat for juvenile Salmon & trout, is planned for 2022.
Salmon numbers are in decline so it is important that we do all we can to improve habitat in the river and spawning burns. Thanks to you all for returning fish, as it is our way of helping them to improve future fish stocks.
Thanks to members who volunteered to assist Sustainable Cupar remove Balsam and replanting trees along the banks of the river.I would also like to thank the Tay District Salmon Fisheries Board Bailiffs for rescuing salmon parr from Stathmiglo prior to bridge work and to the TDSFB work taking Eden spawned salmon to the Almondbank hatchery for re conditioning. The WCO for his support. Scott & Steve for pruning trees at Nydie. David Steven for strimming the Nydie path and David Ramsey for his expertise with the tractor, Harald for taking on Ticket Sales contact & permit distribution. Bob Howat at Kinnaird Farm for his work levelling the big car park at Lydox after the spring floods and our Permit outlet owners for their permit sales.
Please take the time to sign & read the Association rules which are supplied with your permits. Permits are only valid when completed & signed.
Remember Rule 13: Report all fish caught as soon as possible preferably monthly using the on-line reporting form on the web site. Failing that complete the annual return supplied with each permit to the secretary by post or e-mail at the end of the season, 30th November at the latest, to allow the Association to make its statutory return to Marine Scotland. The catch return also helps us to monitor the fish population and the health of the river.
I also ask you to take all rubbish home with you.
Office bearer details are as shown on the permit, We have two new committee members this season Michael Farrell and Billy Collins. Committee details can be found on the ‘Contact’ page of the web site. If anyone has any issues or comments, please do not hesitate to let me know.
Enjoy the river, tight lines, stay safe and enjoy the fishing.
Regards Bill, Steve, Dave Harald & the Committee.