Fishing Update

Thanks to recent rains and clearing water levels several salmon have been caught and returned below Cupar in the last week. The largest reported at 7 lbs. Although grilse have been seen running up over the curling pond weir there are no reports of salmon above Cupar yet but given the conditions they are likely to be well up the river by now.

Sea Trout seem to be less than punctual this year saying that, fish up to 2 lbs have been returned and several fresh run soft mouthed energetic specimens have been hooked and lost in the tidal pools. Some lovely brown trout are being caught between 1 and 3 lbs perhaps the Brownies have stayed in the river this year rather than spend their holidays at sea who knows. It seems that the Earn has not seen many sea trout either which reminds us all that we have to conserve what we have.

Scottish government may finally announce their fisheries strategy and stocking policy in December. We await the outcome with interest as from 2018 the Association have by law been prevented from sourcing or introducing fertile Brown Trout into the river. Sea Trout and Brown Trout are the same species. Brown Trout have the option to go to sea to feed up, so conservation is now vitally important. Please, return all Brown and Sea Trout to allow them to do what they do naturally. We need to look after what we have.
