The AGM will be held on Sunday 3rd. of December in Pitlessie village hall at 7.30 pm. Please make sure all proposals reach the secretary by the 19th November.
Please send your catch return to the secretary before the end of November. You can use the CATCH RETURN button at the top of the website.
Ian Young (secretary)
Please make sure that all catch returns, (including nil returns) are sent to the secretary before the end of November. You can use the CATCH RETURN button at the top of the website. Alternatively you can post them or email them. It is absolutely essential we receive as many returns as possible.
The AGM will probably be held on the first Sunday in December. This will be confirmed soon.
Marine Scotland have announced that for the 2018 season the Eden will be classed as a category 3 river. This means that you cannot take a fish for the table. You can still fish for salmon but they have to be released. Our association successfully fought to have the Eden made category 2 and we must do so again. I would urge every member to write or email Marine Scotland at the address below, lodging your objection to them reclassifying the Eden.
Keith Main/Tom Hogg
Marine Scotland
Salmon and Recreational Fisheries Team
Area 1B North
Victoria Quay
Marine Scotland have no sound scientific evidence to base this decision on. To my knowledge they have never visited the river.
Please make sure your objections are made before 13th of October.
River Update
Quite a lot of salmon and grilse are starting to come into the river. They are still mainly in the lower sections but will spread out quite quickly. Some are being caught, mainly on spinner.
Timely Reminder
A car parked in the lay-bye above the pouch was broken into and a lot of tackle stolen. While this is a rare occurance, it does happen. Please make sure that all your valuables are out of sight when leaving your car and report any suspicious behavior to the police.
Landing net lost
A collapsible landing net was lost on 26th of August between Dairsie Bridge and the Pooch. If found, please contact the secretary.
A Leeda fly box and a pair of glasses have been lost between the Pooch and the Tattie Hole on the North bank. If found, please contact the secretary. 07925855390
River Update.
This has been a difficult year for brown trout fishing. The lack of in river weed from Springfield downstream means that the trout have nowhere to hide and an easy meal for predators. The weed situation is being looked at by SEPA, but as yet they have not given a reason for this serious problem. The best of the brown trout fishing is still in the Pitlessie area.
Salmon and sea trout have started to run into the lower river with a couple of salmon being hooked and lost. Some good sea trout have been caught around the Pooch area but the estuary has been pretty patchy this year.
River Update
At long last we are getting some much needed rain. Hopefully this will encourage some sea trout into the river although there doesn't appear to be many in the estuary at the moment.
The best of the brown trout fishing is in the Pitlessie area where there is good cover and feeding for the trout. Below Springfield there is little or no weed in the river. This is very worrying as it points to a problem in the ecosystem. It impacts on fly life and habitat for trout as they have no cover from predators. We are working with SNH to try and identify the problem and come up with a solution.
Tay District Board Baliff Position
The TDSFB are looking to recruit a new full time bailiff. If anyone is interested in the position contact David Summers at the TDSFB.
The Season So Far....
At last a bit of warm weather. Up till now the fishing has been a bit slow but there have been a few seatrout caught on the lower reaches. Hopefully the warmer weather will get the brownies in a more active mood. Here's looking forward to a good season.
A wide brimmed hat was found near Clayton. If it is yours, contact the secretary on 07925 855390.
Season Permits Are Available Now
Season permits are now available from the ticket secretary and the secretary. They are also available from the outlets listed on the permits page. Prices remain the same as last year.
Good News
Next season the Eden will be a category 2 river. This means that we will, once again, be allowed to take salmon. The Eden was one of only 5 rivers to be upgraded. This was due, in no small part, to the efforts and lobbying conducted by the E.A.A. All anglers are reminded that the association has a bag limit as part of our bye laws.
Thanks go to all that attended the meeting. The main points of the meeting are as follows.
The officials and committee remain the same.
Ticket prices remain the same.
The river will not be restocked with brown trout this year.
Robert Young was made an honorary life member.
Neil Glachan won the Stan Reid Cup.
Mr. J. Hall won a free permit in the catch returns prize draw.
2016 AGM
The 2016 AGM will be held at Pitlessie village Hall on Sunday, 4 December at 7:30 PM. All proposals must be sent to the secretary no later than 20 November.
This is your chance as a member to air your views on how the Association is run. The committee and officials will always welcome constructive and practical ideas.
The 2016 season will probably be one to forget. River conditions for most of the year were pretty poor with the River at a summer low for most of the season. The sea trout fishing was a bit patchy but there were some good catches recorded. A seven pounder caught on the fly was one notable achievement.
The Brown trout, as ever, gave some good sport, although they also proved difficult to locate at times and to tempt. As yet we are not sure what the stocking policy will be next year. There seems to be plenty of juvenile fish in the River at the moment.
With the total ban on killing salmon, not many anglers fished for them, and even fewer were caught.The constantly low water kept most of the salmon in the lower reaches of the River. A small spate in the last fortnight allowed a few fish to run upstream, but most congregated below Dairsie bridge where they quickly coloured up and became very difficult to catch.With a bit of luck, next year when we revert to a category two River, things will improve. We can only hope for a decent wet September and October.
Please make sure that all catch returns reach the secretary the for the end of December. Never before has it been so vital to have accurate catch returns even if they are nil returns.
Latest News
Found. A flybox has been found near the Pooch. Call 07925855390 to claim it.
The good news is that it appears that from 2017 the Eden will be classed as a category 2 river. This will mean that we will be, once again, able to take salmon from the Eden. This will be mitigated by the fact that there will have to be a conservation plan in place. This is already being undertaken by the Tay board. Over the last few weeks they have been conducting surveys on juvenile salmon in various areas of the river. Our thanks go to the committee members who have assisted in the survey. One serious problem that was highlighted by the survey is that there are American signal crayfish in one of the feeder burns that runs into the Eden upstream from Crawford Priory. The Tay board will monitor the situation. The previous idea of installing a fish counter on the Eden seems to have faltered. At the last Tay board meeting it was intimated to the secretary that Marine Scotland were not in favour of installing the counter, probably due to cost.
No matter what the outcome of the conservation plan and the regrading of the River, it is still up to every angler to show restraint. Please return all salmon that are undamaged and let them go on to breed.
Website Update
The website has been updated to bring it into 2016. Let us know what you think. It will be slowly updated over time.
Watch the news feed for further updates.
The season so far
Thank you to all those who helped and did a lot of work which benefited the whole membership. Why not volunteer for the next work party?
The seatrout have been slow to appear this year but a 5 pounder was caught this week. Salmon have been spotted throughout the river but not in any great numbers. The brownies are still giving great sport and are in great conditions.