Membership Permit Outlets

Please check the bottom of the Web Site permits and rules page for outlets and permit availability,



Secretary & Treasurer

SEASON PERMITS AVAILABLE by post direct from the secretary. Payment by Bank Transfer (Preferred ) or by cheque (No cash).

Post or EMAIL full name; address, post code and type of permit required (Adult, Junior, OAP) for further details to:

Mr David Farmer
49 Sandylands Rd, Cupar, KY15 5JP

Mob: 07986 666898



Permits are temporarily not available from Dott Thomson; Premier Store until the COVID restrictions are eased.

Eden Area

Aladdins Cave
259 High Street,

Deals on Reels
 18 Station Rd,
Cowdenbeath KY4 9SG

Anglers Choice
259 Strathmartine Road

Dan’s Goods
26 Main Street
Guardbridge, KY16 0UG

Permits are not available from the KILT SHOP until the COVID restrictions are Eased

Opening Day Monday 15th February

It’s what we have all been waiting for, but sadly the COVID restrictions this year means that we are unable to socialize on the opening day as we would normally do.. Please fish individually and follow the Scottish Government COVID rules for outdoor activities. Carry and use your own hand gel.after touching stiles and gates and take care on the river as the floods have caused considerable bank erosion which means undercut sections of banks can collapse at any time..

Tight Lines. Post your opening day photos on Facebook


For latest availability of 2021 Eden Angling Association Membership/Permits, please check the ‘Permits & Rules’ page of the Web Site (Click bars on top Right corner) for updates on which outlets are open during the latest COVID Lockdown. Membership Permits are also available direct from the secretary for those self isolating or unable to access the outlets.

EDEN 2021 Fishing Season

The Salmon & sea Trout fishing season opens 15th February to individual anglers, with a valid permit taking individual responsibility for complying with current COVID rules & legislation. NO FISHING BEFORE THE OPENING DATE. Membership of the Association is by purchase of a permit, these can be obtained from any of the outlets listed on the ‘Permits & Rules’ page of the web site or from the secretary.

Lockdown advice for Anglers

Marine Scotland have issued guidance for Anglers for the recent lockdown.

Angling is permissible provided this is within a single household group, or the group contains no more than 2 people from 2 different households.  Children under the age of 12 from these households do not count towards this number.

You can travel for local outdoor sport or exercise such as angling but must stay within the more general requirements with regard to travel and ensure that you abide by the rules on meeting other households.  In general, stay as close to home as possible – within your local authority, or no more than 5 miles from the boundary – and stay away from crowded places.

Individuals should continue to follow the five principles behind the Scottish Government’s FACTS campaign:

  • F – wear a Face covering

  • A – Avoid crowded places

  • C – Clean hands and surfaces regularly

  • T – stay Two metre distance away from other people

  • S – Self-isolate and book a test if you have COVID-19 symptoms (new continuous cough, fever or loss of, or change in, sense of smell or taste)

Catch Return - 2020

Members catch returns are essential for committee and Statutory bodies to make decisions with regard to the management, improvement of the river. Although catch returns this season were slightly up on last, the return rate remains consistently poor and it is suggested that it may be time to look for a better/easier way to encourage members to make their returns.

As an incentive all those making their return before the end of November are entered in a draw for a free permit for the following season. Congratulations to PETER CASWELL from Cupar your permit is in the Post.;

Draw -Peter caswell- 2020 (2).jpg

Total Catch for the season

Salmon 24; Biggest fish 13 Lbs; Sea Trout - 250 Finnock - 208; Brown Trout - 545

Catch Return Reminder

A BIG thank you to all those who have already made their catch returns. To those who have not got round to it yet, they are important so PLEASE find the paper return provided with your permit (or use any bit of paper) and make your returns any which way you can to the Secretary EVEN IF IT IS A NIL RETURN. Catch returns are important for management of the river as are the comments and feedback included with them. If any one has constructive suggestions for improving how we make catch returns please contact any member of committee.

Catch Returns

Please, remember that ALL permit holders need to complete a catch return either on line on the Catch return page of this web site (preferred) or by completing the paper copy provided with all membership fishing permits or by printing the catch return below and on the Facebook page and posting/emailing it to the secretary before 30th November to enter the draw for a free season ticket for the 2021 season.

Only estimated days spent Salmon Fishing to be reported.NOT or sea or Brown Trout .

Only estimated days spent Salmon Fishing to be reported.NOT or sea or Brown Trout .

Flood damage

Please take care on the river after the flood which may have eroded and undercut the banks. These can collapse without warning. A survey of the river will be undertaken once the water clears and levels come down, be careful and report any trees in the river and bank erosion seen on the Face book group page or to the secretary

Brown Trout or Sea Trout?

It is widely recognised that Brown Trout and Sea Trout are the same species (Salmo Trutta). As the season progresses and spawning ready fish “colour up”, it makes identifying which is which increasingly difficult for anglers. The best advice here if there is any doubt, is always to treat all coloured fish at this time of year as ready to spawn and return them quickly and safely to the river (no time for photos) to do what they do naturally.

Catch Returns

All season and day ticket members of the association are required as a condition of their membership and good standing to provide a catch return INCLUDING NIL RETURNS so that the Association can make a statutory return to Scottish Government at the end of the season. This can be done on line on the 2020 Catch Return page of this web site for each day fished (preferred), by completing the paper catch return provided with each season ticket by post to the secretary, returning a paper catch return in the day ticket box located at the Kemback Lydox car park or e-mailing a copy of catch returns to the secretary..

When complete a summary of the EDEN catch return will be posted on the web site.,


A recent Question about fishing rules on the Eden

Not sure about the circumstances that prompted a recent question about the rules when wading from a single bank, where the other is private. In this case the understanding is that anglers are allowed to fish the full width, but wading is only permitted to the middle of the river. In addition, to avoid conflict, if other anglers are present normal angling etiquette with regard to maintaining distance and moving a few small steps after each cast applies. .