UPDATE 31.3.20 - Following the latest Government Directives enforcing all but essential travel and the closure all non essential shops. It seems that all other outlets are now CLOSED until further notice. If anyone wishes to show their support for the Association, memberships may still be available from some of the Cupar outlets, but only on the understanding that they abide by government directives and follow the COVID19 access code below as they are amended.
PREMIER Convienience Store 16 Ladywynd Cupar, KY15 4D.
R DOTT THOMSON - 57 Bonnygate Cupar, KY15 4BY.
OR by post from the
SECRETARY - 49 Sandylands Road Cupar, KY15 5JP with Full Name; AGE; Address; Post Code with a CHEQUE for the permit(s) requested. Do not send any cash in the post.
All Association committee meetings and organised work parties have been cancelled until further notice.
PLEASE STAY AT HOME- keep up to date, follow government advice, directives and the instructions from the Police. It is a long Fishing season and our NHS heroes need you to stay safe so they can cope in the front line.
An EAA Facebook group page can be now accessed by any one who wants to share happier pre COVID19 Eden fishing memories on line. Just access facebook edenangling.org or e mail the secretary with your full name, address, postcode and e-mail address to pre register and get the link.
All the best, and take care.
The Secretary