To clarify. that Membership of the Association is obtained by the purchase of a permit to fish.
Technically the river has not yet been closed by any of our proprietors and committee have decided that the association should not close. One reason for this is that, if we were to close there would be no right of redress e.g. for rent & rates paid whereas if the proprietor closes the river there is.
Any one can still obtain membership of the association by purchasing a permit from any of the two Cupar outlets still allowed to sell them, but only on the proviso that they agree to follow the current government COVID-19 directives, their interpretation by the police and the EAA advice posted here. The current EAA advice is to STAY AT HOME and do not fish for the time being, protect your NHS and save lives.
It is a long season on the Eden and purchase of a membership for when we can meet up again on the river will also help the association get through these difficult times.