Reports are coming in following the rain earlier this week of some larger sea trout entering the river system. The big tides later this week should encourage these silver ghosts to run.
Eden Fishing re starts Friday 29th May
Following the announcement by Scottish Government today Thursday 28th May., a phased relaxation of the COVID-19 lock down laws takes effect from Friday 29th May allowing fishing to resume under new self distancing rules.
The Eden has nearly 20 miles of bank to fish. Please take hand sanitiser and wash your hands after touching gates or stiles and comply with all social distancing rules. The Patrols of the river put in place during the lockdown will continue under the new rules to ensure that everyone fishing complies with the rules of the Association and the new lock down laws announced today.
It is for all members of the association to familiarize themselves with these new rules and comply with them at all times.
Angler responsibilities (From Fisheries Management Scotland Guidance
• Travel to and from fisheries by private vehicle. Any passengers must be from the same household and Scottish Government physical distancing regulations must be observed.
• Parking and social interaction on arrival at the fishery must be responsible and consistent with Scottish Government physical distancing regulations.
• Fishery access and use. Anglers must not share fishing tackle or equipment, except with members of the same household.
• Gates and stiles are common on fisheries, and where they need to be used, appropriate sanitation measures should be taken by anglers, including use of gloves and disinfectant hand gels as appropriate
Thank you for your patience. Tight lines and stay safe.
Bailiff Patrols on the Eden
As a result of the COVID-19 lockdown restrictions and evidence of poaching in the Forth Salmon District, a number of Committee members have been authorized to undertake patrols of the river under social distancing rules with Police support as required to deter poaching
The Association is grateful to those who have renewed their memberships, but in the present circumstances a membership is NOT permission to fish unless complying fully with COVID-19 lockdown restrictions for non essential travel and exercise.
Trout & Salmon Lockdown Magazine
Some ideas for the shed. man cave or sofa until lockdown is eased in this free to download magazine.
Natural Spawning success
There have been two independant reports reports of very some small as yet un-dentified fish in the Ladyburn. Most likely newly hatched Brown aka Sea Trout from the back end higher water last season. The burns in the headwaters are also reported to be running higher than normal so all things being equal these little beauties will find their way to the sea and surprise us all again some time in the future.
COVID - EAA Membership and Permits to Fish
To clarify. that Membership of the Association is obtained by the purchase of a permit to fish.
Technically the river has not yet been closed by any of our proprietors and committee have decided that the association should not close. One reason for this is that, if we were to close there would be no right of redress e.g. for rent & rates paid whereas if the proprietor closes the river there is.
Any one can still obtain membership of the association by purchasing a permit from any of the two Cupar outlets still allowed to sell them, but only on the proviso that they agree to follow the current government COVID-19 directives, their interpretation by the police and the EAA advice posted here. The current EAA advice is to STAY AT HOME and do not fish for the time being, protect your NHS and save lives.
It is a long season on the Eden and purchase of a membership for when we can meet up again on the river will also help the association get through these difficult times.
EAA Facebook Page
A Facebook page is available for members and anyone who is interested in fishing and improvement of the Eden to post their pre COVID19 memories, photos or stories to while away the lockdown and keep in touch.
CORONAVIRUS - advice for Anglers UPDATE
UPDATE 31.3.20 - Following the latest Government Directives enforcing all but essential travel and the closure all non essential shops. It seems that all other outlets are now CLOSED until further notice. If anyone wishes to show their support for the Association, memberships may still be available from some of the Cupar outlets, but only on the understanding that they abide by government directives and follow the COVID19 access code below as they are amended.
PREMIER Convienience Store 16 Ladywynd Cupar, KY15 4D.
R DOTT THOMSON - 57 Bonnygate Cupar, KY15 4BY.
OR by post from the
SECRETARY - 49 Sandylands Road Cupar, KY15 5JP with Full Name; AGE; Address; Post Code with a CHEQUE for the permit(s) requested. Do not send any cash in the post.
All Association committee meetings and organised work parties have been cancelled until further notice.
PLEASE STAY AT HOME- keep up to date, follow government advice, directives and the instructions from the Police. It is a long Fishing season and our NHS heroes need you to stay safe so they can cope in the front line.
An EAA Facebook group page can be now accessed by any one who wants to share happier pre COVID19 Eden fishing memories on line. Just access facebook or e mail the secretary with your full name, address, postcode and e-mail address to pre register and get the link.
All the best, and take care.
The Secretary
Sea Trout
Sea Trout are being caught now river levels are returning to a fishable level. This is Steve Smarts first this 1 lb 6 oz on a Mallard & Claret.
Amazing the amount of litter we 4 collected in just a couple of hours. 10 bags or 600 litres of just about everything imaginable that floats or has been carelessly thrown away into the Eden by those treating the countryside a waste bin. Many thanks to Bill Wardlaw for the the use of his tractor and Barbara for the breakfast bacon rolls tea,coffee & handwashing facilities.
If anyone has some time free on Sunday morning meet at Newmill Farm at 10am first. Any litter collected should be stored at Newmill for uplift.
Footnote: Sadly the fife Coast & Countryside Trust did not deliver the litter picking kits promised but we have managed to obtain some locally. Contact the secretary if you need bags or gloves.
Workparty - Litterpick
Sadly there is quite a lot of plastic & rubbish washed up below Cupar on the river banks following the high water. As we don’t want this to end up in the river or our beautiful beaches at Tentsmuir or the West Sands, anyone who can help out with litter picking on Saturday 14th March or Sunday please contact the secretary. or just turn up at Newmill farm on Saturday at 10am for a bacon roll before splitting up & heading out. All litter and kits gloves etc need to be be returned to Newmill Farm when done for an uplift. Anyone with free time on Sunday 15th March please contact the secretary for a litter kit and areas still to be cleaned.
EAA signage
Eden Angling Association ‘Fishing by Permit Only’ signs are being placed at the main points of access on the river to provide information via the web site address as to where permits can be obtained and to support the increase in permit checks throughout the season.
Many thanks to Tosh & Steve for their assistance .
Salmon Fishing Effort reporting
Marine Scotland now use the number of days spent fishing for salmon in deciding the conservation status of the river. Days spent fishing for sea trout or Brown Trout do not count. More information can be found below or at Marine Scotlands web site
What if I only fish for an hour or so in a day? As above, we are asking that you record rod effort as the number of rods fished each day, summed across the month – regardless of the amount of time actually spent fishing on the day. We recognise this is a simple measure of effort and we may seek to refine these estimates in the future.
What if I don’t catch any fish? in general, effort is a measure of the time spent fishing, even if no salmon are caught, and each day or part days fishing should be recorded as a rod day.
What if there is no fishing for salmon in a month/year? If a catch form is being returned but no fishing for salmon took place in a particular month, zero rod effort should be reported for that month (see example below).
‘Rod days’ refers to fishing by any method. If an angler goes out fishing specifically for sea trout but catches salmon instead, should rod effort be recorded? Yes. While we recognise that in this case the intention was to catch sea trout and not salmon, if any salmon were caught then a rod day should be recorded for salmon.
Non-specific angling (i.e. aiming to catch salmon and sea trout) undertaken should be treated as angling for salmon.
Eden Opening Day
Good to see such a good turnout. Hon President Bill Wardlaw did the honours blessing the Eden in the all too brief lull before storm Dennis hit and turned the day positively Baltic. After the Presidents first cast a few brave souls ventured out as conditions although not ideal were set to get much worse as the day progressed. Apologies to Michal and Steve who appeared later and missed the photo.
Wildlife Crime Talk
Pleased to report on a most interesting and helpful talk to Committee by the new Fife Wildlife Crime Officer who is the point of contact for all wildlife crime in the county. The talk covered not only wildlife crime such as Deer Coursing and badger baiting, but also the Salmon and Freshwater Fisheries (Consolidation) act 2003 where In order to fish for freshwater fish (including Brown Trout) and migratory fish (sea and freshwater) you need written permission from the landowner or a fishing club. Committee found this helpful for handling and reporting the frequent random Permit checks they carry out throughout the season.
PERMITS FOR THE 2020 SEASON ARE NOW AVAILABLE from following outlets.
R DOTT Thomson 57 Bonnygate, Cupar KY15 4BY;
PREMIER Store 16 Lady Wynd, Cupar KY15 4DE;
REEKIE Cupar Trading Estate Prestonhall KY15 4SX;
KILT SHOP 68 South St, St Andrews KY16 9JT
ANGLERS CHOICE 259 Strathmartine Rd, Dundee DD3 8QQ
ALLADINS CAVE 259 High St, Leslie, Glenrothes KY6 3AX
DEALS on REELS 18 Station Rd, Cowdenbeath KY4 9SG
WE’RE GAME 126 St Clair St, Kirkcaldy KY1 2BZ
ANGLING ACTIVE 10 Halbeath Rd, Dunfermline KY12 7QX
Permits may also be obtained from the secretary, Mob: 07986 666 898
ADULT (18 & OVER) Season Permit: £55
OAP (65 and Over) Season Permit: £30
JUNIOR (Under 18) Season Permit: £10
DAY TICKETS: (15th February - 31st October) £15
Anyone posting 5 Day Tickets to the Secretary will receive a free season permit for remainder of the year.
Tay District Salmon Fisheries Board - 2019 Annual Report
The Annual report for 2019 can be accessed through the link .
Petition - Consultation on stocking of salmon rivers
The Scottish Gamekeepers Association Fishing Group believes Marine Scotland, a government agency, should carry out a full and formal stakeholder consultation before announcing a definitive policy on the stocking of Scotland’s salmon rivers. The Petition can be accessed on the link below is open until 28th January 2020.
Access Point Signage
New signs are going up at the main fishing access points on the river.
Yet another load of rubbish dumped behind the Beet Factory reported to Fife Council today. The second load in the last couple of months. Hope Fife Council find the culprits soon. Anyone finding Fly tipped rubbish on the river should report it to Fife council using the ‘Links’ page form on this web site.